Nick Thompson 05/08/24 Poulton_Admin Age: Height: Foot: Favourite Team: Football Hero: Favourite Film: Favourite Meal: If you could have dinner with one celebrity (past…
Rob Hollowell 05/08/24 Poulton_Admin Age: 58 Height: 6′ Foot: Right Favourite Team: Ipswich Football Hero: Bobby Robson Favourite Film: Star Wars (First one) Favourite…
Danny Porter 05/08/24 Poulton_Admin Age: Old, even with numbers reversed Height: 5′ 10.5″ but shrinking Foot: Both Favourite Team: Manchester United Football Hero: Bryan…
John Wigglesworth 05/08/24 Poulton_Admin Age: 34 Height: 5’ 10″ Foot: Right Favourite Team: Manchester City Football Hero: Ronaldo (R9) Favourite Film: As good as…